The Most Common Myths About Recruiters

/The Most Common Myths About Recruiters
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There’s been some bad press lately regarding recruiters. One that is circulating is how recruiters ghost job seekers. To be fair, some recruiters ghost job candidates, but to say all recruiters engage in this undesirable practice would be a myth. Most recruiters want to work with—not for—job candidates to fill positions. Another myth is that recruiters have tons of time on their hands. Never a falser word could be said, recruiters are some of the busiest professionals. Our guest Ed Han, a recruiter and a recent job seeker, will set the record straight on recruiter myths. And along the way, he’ll impart some sage advice on how job candidates can land their jobs quicker.

Ed Han is a positive, engaging, and tech-savvy recruiter and talent acquisition geek with a knack for connecting the dots for culture as well as skill fit. Whether using behavioral techniques, clearly communicating requirements, or understanding hiring manager priorities, Ed is passionate about candidate experience and best practices. His diverse experience in regulated environments such as financial services and international import helps him connect in an authentic, powerful way with people of all demographics.

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