Guest Speaker: You Think You Know Linkedin?

/Guest Speaker: You Think You Know Linkedin?
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With LinkedIn’s algorithms, it’s features and limitations, the ability to write a profile, your network of connections, and your engagement; there’s a lot to know about the world’s most professional networking site. Is it possible for anyone to know all that is LinkedIn? We say a resounding NO. But if there’s one person who knows more than most, it’s Kevin D. Turner. And he is going to speak at length on LinkedIn. You’ll leave wanting more.

Kevin D. Turner is a branding phenom. After honing his skills at SONY, Stone VC, American Teachers, Thomas Nelson, and the AHA, he opened his own personal and organizational branding firm with his wife, Dana S Turner. He is also a staunch supporter of job seekers and understands what it takes to compete in a tight labor market. He is regularly present on LinkedIn, providing personal branding and LinkedIn tips to help job seekers better market themselves and become career landers.

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