Shannon Norton-Calles
Executive Director

Gabriela Boscaja
Assistant Director

Alexiana Collado
Career Advisor (WIOA)

Amy Veillette, CPRW
Assistant Manager

Angelica Perez
Career Advisor (Move to Work)

Barbara Avery
Employment Counselor (DCS)

Bob McIntosh, CPRW
Workshop Facilitator/Career Advisor (WIOA)

Brenda Teles, CPRW
Resource Room / Retention

Brian Sok
Budget Analyst
2024 Fantasy Football Champion

Caitlyn Gullage
UpSkill Navigator (FutureSkills)

Cathy Byrnes
Career Center Manager (DCS)

Dan Boland
Veterans Rep (DCS)

Daphne Nichols, CPRW
Senior Career Advisor

Dragos Dobrutchi
IT Manager

Ellen Waszak, CPRW
Disability Navigator

Emmanuel Senat
Career Advisor

Gary Richards
Fiscal Manager

Glenna Gaillardetz
ARPA Program Manager

Janet O’Brien, CPRW
Assistant Manager (CIES)

Jim Foley
Digital Media/Workshop Facilitator

Karrilee Rogers
Career Advisor (P2E)

Kathleen Dupont, CPRW

Keilani Keo
Career Advisor (CIES)

Lauren Janowicz
Financial Assistant

Leah Bettencourt
Career Advisor

LeeLee Kao
Career Advisor

Madeline Colon-Rivera, CPRW
Career Advisor (JobsPLus)

Manuela Estrada
Career Advisor (CIES)

Maria Morrissette
Employment Counselor (DCS)

Myrlande Emanuel
Employment Counselor (DCS)

Nancy Gagnon, CWDP
Career Center Manager

Nicholas Campbell
ARPA Computer Instructor

Ohana Patterson, CPRW
Senior Career Advisor

Sarim Proeung
Career Advisor (WIOA/P2E)

Sivkheng Sar
Employment Counselor (DCS)

Shaun McCarthy
Manager for Business Services

Shika Silva
Administrative Assistant

Thavrith Thao
Business Services Representative

Tim Hovey
Business Services Representative

Tim O’Connor, CPRW
Manager for Tech & QA

Yolanda Kuilan
Career Advisor (Behavorial Health)

Will Ren
Market Maker Manager

Zaris Huerta
Career Advisor
ARPA – American Rescue Plan
CPRW – Certified Professional Resume Writer
CWDP – Certified Workforce Development Professional
Future Skills – Massachusetts program to assist careers changers, re-entering citizens, and other workers develop the skills to get a good job.
Move to Work – Locally designed housing and self-sufficiency initiatives in the Section 8 Housing Choice Voucher (HCVP) and federal public housing programs.
WIOA – Workforce Innovation Opportunity Act
CIES – Competitive Integrated Employment Services
DCS – Department of Career Services (Massachusetts)
JobsPlus – A HUD-funded program, working with the North Common Village Residents. The JobsPLUS program combines traditional employment, training and job placement services with a rent incentive and a place-based investment in building “community support for work
P2E– Program that addresses the unique barriers that people in early recovery face when seeking employment. In partnership with Massachusetts Career Centers and Advocates for Human Potential (AHP), ATR developed the P2E Program to help participants become job ready.