In this section, you will find documents and links related to your attendance at the Career Center Seminar or enrollment in the RESEA program.
- When returning any of these documents, please be sure to put your 8-digit career center membership ID number and name in the subject line of the email.
- Documents required by the RESEA program can be sent to
Career Center Seminar
Below are links and documents related to attending the Career Center Seminar.
Career Center Seminar Presentation
- A copy of the slides used during the Career Center Seminar.
- Use this document to record your required three weekly job search activities each week. Please download, complete the form each week and save.
What Constitutes Work Search Activity?
- This document will assist in understanding what constitutes a job search activity for your weekly job search logs.
- If you don’t have an existing resume, use this sheet to help you build the structure of résumé.
- Use this guide to identify gaps in your job search skills and to target resources to fill that gap.
Labor Market Research Worksheet
- This document steps you through doing some basic labor market research.
Work Opportunity Tax Credit (WOTC)
- Learn more about how the Work Opportunity Tax Credit works.
- A resource of training opportunities and grants.
- Let the Career Center staff if you worked for one of these companies.
- The Career Center is equipped to accommodate job seekers with disabilities.
- Conduct policies regarding customer use of Career Center services.
- If you want to speak with a Career Advisor please fill out this form.
- Learn more about multi-lingual services offered by the Commonwealth of Massachusetts.
- If you have a complaint, please read this document.
- Posters on federal and state employment laws.
- Please use this link to view a video overview of services offered by MassHire career centers in Massachusetts.
- Please review our attendance policy.
Below are documents and links related to enrollment in the RESEA program.
- This document is a check list for the required RESEA documentation.
- All Required RESEA documentation in one file. This bundle includes RESEA checklist, Career Action Plan, UI Eligibility Questionnaire, and LMI Worksheet.
RESEA UI Eligibility Assessment Questionnaire
- This is a required document to return when enrolled in the RESEA program. Please download, complete, save and return to (Please enter your 8-digit career center membership ID number and name in the subject line of the email.)
- Use this document to record your required three weekly job search activities. Please download the form, enter the information for each week and save. This document will be required to be submitted in the RESEA program.
What Constitutes Work Search Activity?
- This document will assist in understanding what constitutes a job search activity for your weekly job search logs.
- Use this guide to identify gaps in your job search skills and to target resources to fill that gap.
- If you don’t have an existing resume, use this sheet to help you build the structure of a résumé. A résumé is a requirement of the RESEA program. You can use the sheet in place of a résumé.
Labor Market Research Worksheet
- This document steps you through doing some basic labor market research. Conducting labor market research is a requirement for the RESEA program. Please complete and return this document.
- All RESEA enrollees are required to create an account on Mass JobQuest. Many customer make an account prior to attending the Career Center Seminar. If you have not created an account, please do so.
How to Create a Mass JobQuest Account
- Download these instructions to create a Mass JobQuest account.
- Please use this form to let us know if you are currently working. This will help us close your enrollment in RESEA.
- Please view this video for an overview of the RESEA program.